Summer in Shizuoka (静岡の夏)

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Summer in Shizuoka (静岡の夏)

靑山 0 622
저자 : 청산 이풍호     시집명 :
출판(발표)연도 : 2007     출판사 :
Summer in Shizuoka (静岡の夏)

Summer in Shizuoka
begins from Atami (熱海)
where golden sands shine
and gentle waves come with breezes
from the distant pine tree islands.

Summer at Shizuoka Station
is rather quiet enough for me
hoping to hear unheard tales
from the near hills and distant sea.

White seagulls at the bank of Marinas
seem lonely like a stranger of myself;
As I walk down the road
in the shadow of near pine tree hills
and see the public hot spring,
my nostalgia warms my heart again.

As sunset gets thicker and thicker
on the pine tree hills and sea
leaving a long summer day shadow,
I get on the night train for Tokyo (東京)
passing through Atami (熱海).

(Paul Lee 이풍호 시, 2007년 여름)
제목 저자(시인)