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<#영역시><#The Winter Mist, 겨울안개, 이혜경> 상곡 이기운

상곡 0 163
<The Winter Mist>

Hye-Kyung, Lee

When you cross the foggy street
Please do not look back the past places
Where the street lights look like the ring around the moon, on which the street
Please, do not stop the paces.

The sounds of treading on the fallen leaves
When it is heard like the sighs
Please forget the past days.​

At dawn
Even the hairs which braided behind the ears are soaked by the humid winds
Please do not sing the past songs.​

The another day dawned bright and it came the dusk dark too.
Maybe the foggy winter-night come too.
(Translated by Kinsley Lee)

<겨울 안개>

이 혜 경

안개 짙은 밤 길 지날 때
뒤돌아보지 마세요
가로등 불빛 달무리진 거리에서
걸음을 멈추지 마세요

낙엽 밟는 소리
한숨처럼 들리면
지난 과거는 잊어 버려요

눅눅한 바람결 귀밑머리 적셔 와도
흘러간 노래는 부르지 마세요

새 날은 밝아오고 또 지고
안개 낀 겨울밤은 다시 올테니까요.